Carolinas Genealogical Society

Family Files by Surname

The Carolinas Genealogical Society has provided a listing of the family files contained in the General Surname File.  This listing will be shared with The Heritage Room site since these files are located there—the historic Union County Courthouse, 300 N. Main Street, Monroe.  Although, we cannot copy family files and send to you, we invite you to visit The Heritage Room and research family files as well as other books and records.
If you live a distance too great to travel easily, the volunteer genealogists at The Heritage Room will research our files and other records in our repository for a specific person or family at the rate of $10 per hour, in addition to 25 cents per copy costs plus postage and handling.  If you are interested in this option, please contact The Heritage Room at
Barbara W. Moore, President
Carolinas Genealogical Society
To view the Family Surname Files please click on the links below: